<h2>Teenagers Use Social Media Blindly Without Thinking</h2>


A new multinational survey of 2,905 people aged between 13 and 18 showed that 80 percent of the teenagers don’t think before they post to social networks. According to Ask.fm, Eighty percent of teens said they would post without thinking about the consequences.The survey also revealed that one-third (38 percent) of the teenagers gets infuriated if they don’t get prompt responses. Although 52 percent of parents say their biggest concern is how much time their teens spend on social apps, 43 percent don’t track their teen’s social media usage.


Catherine Teitelbaum, chief trust and safety officer at Ask.fm, said, Teens have grown up online; it is core to how they communicate with the outside world on a daily basis, so it's understandable most feel they have nothing to hide or regret when it comes to their digital behavior. To them, it's simply an extension of their everyday, real world lives.

Social Media is the new form of communication tool and also the source of a revenue generator for myriads of people. It is clearly said; every coin as two sides of the story. similarly, social media has its own. Social Media helps you to communicate with a ginormous amount of your buddies, but we are lost in that world forgetting our beautiful, real and virtual world out here. That’s true.