Dover Corporation (NYSE: DOV) is a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 manufacturer of specialized industrial products and equipment within six segments. Dover Corporation is based in Downers Grove, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago. The company relocated its headquarters from New York in mid-2010.

With the data in a form that is now useful, the researcher can begin the process of analyzing the data to determine what has been learned. The method used to analyze data depends on the approach used to collect the information (secondary research, primary quantitative research or primary qualitative research). For primary research the selection of method of analysis also depends on the type of research instrument used to collect the information.

Essentially there are two types of methods of analysis – descriptive and inferential.

Descriptive Data Analysis

Not to be confused with descriptive research, descriptive analysis, as the name implies, is used to describe the results obtained. In most cases the results are merely used to provide a summary of what has been gathered (e.g., how many liked or dislike a product) without making a statement of whether the results hold up to statistical evaluation. For quantitative data collection the most common methods used for this basic level of analysis are visual representations, such as charts and tables, and measures of central tendency including averages (i.e., mean value). For qualitative data collection, where analysis may consist of the researcher’s own interpretation of what was learned, the information may be coded or summarized into grouping categories.

Inferential Data Analysis

While descriptive data analysis can present a picture of the results, to really be useful the results of research should allow the researcher to accomplish other goals such as:

Using information obtained from a small group (i.e., sample of customers) to make judgments about a larger group (i.e., all customers)
Comparing groups to see if there is a difference in how they respond to an issue
Forecasting what may happen based on collected information
To move beyond simply describing results requires the use of inferential data analysis where advanced statistical techniques are used to make judgments (i.e., inferences) about some issue (e.g., is one type of customer different from another type of customer). Using inferential data analysis requires a well-structured research plan that follows the scientific method. Also, most (but not all) inferential data analysis techniques require the use of quantitative data collection.

As an example of the use of inferential data analysis, a marketer may wish to know if North American, European and Asian customers differ in how they rate certain issues. The marketer uses a survey that includes a number of questions asking customers from all three regions to rate issues on a scale of 1 to 5. If a survey is constructed properly the marketer can compare each group using statistical software that tests whether differences exists. This analysis offers much more insight than simply showing how many customers from each region responded to each question.

- Ideal types could be either theoretical or descriptive as these types would remain closer to directly given evidence such as in psychology domain, DSM-III, for example, explicitly seeks to keep its criteria close to direct evidence

- Theoretical types would move away from direct evidence by referring to hypothetical processes or entities at work behind the direct givens. In postulating that a phenomenon, such as an obsessive symptom, arises as a defense against anxiety, DSM-II provided theoretical types

- Ideal types could remain qualitative conceptions of disorders and or some of attributes designated in ideal types could be characterized in quantitative terms since, features expressed in ideal types appear in different patients in varying degrees, these gradations could be quantified

Social Research Process and Approach

Thus, one better consideration into the understanding of ideal type is asserted in social research framework as being linked to the role of analytic frames as adopted for social science, as there is methods triangulation of case study, surveys, interviews and questionnaires that are being in fixed pattern from within flexible change during research flow. The ideal frames may be elaborated at the outset of better planned research project and remain active throughout the study, often necessary, for example, in studies that seek to test theories. In essence, certain idealization does adhere for the implementation of research design and or hypothesis to be tested. If images constructed from the evidence are inconsistent with the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is rejected. Fixed frames are also common in research that seeks to make predictions based on current trends and in studies that seek to document research success and application. There has been process of analytic frame as the latter readily translates to survey format, for example, several of the potential voters are being queried about appropriate demographic characteristics into various voting behavior (Page and Shapiro, 199I), simple translation from the analytic frame to survey data permits a direct test of the idea that first inspired the frame, as voters make ample rational choices.

The Challenge of Social Research

True that, research ideas and evidence is everywhere and people are busy constructing representations of social life, the ways of constructing representations require different kinds of regimen, and for social research technique is strict, being reinforced by primary mode of research studies into ideal type of social research, as there demand clear specification of ideas that guide research methodology as well as the systematic examination of evidence utilized in building solid structure of knowledge representations. Indeed, one challenge of social research is to be able to construct powerful and instructive representation of social life that contributes to conversations of social theories, embracing in-depth evidence about ideal types in systematic manner through building in dialogue of ideas of social science approaches. The researcher may link pieces of evidence together to make reasoned concepts in valid assimilation then, the analytic frame provide effective context for creating and understanding image, establishing conceptual boundaries around evidence based study linking to the Weber’s ideal type and how it is deemed useful for research. Therefore, it is often forgotten that Weber's concept of ideal type are developed in research, often assumed that Weber means ideal type whenever Weber used the term type. Friedeburg mentioned that Weber uses different kinds of ideal types that an ideal type may exist in reality sometimes but not all the time, but this is not a sufficient justification to call the empirical types discussed above ideal types. Thus, it is misleading to identify Weber's sociological methodology with his method of the ideal types. In doing so, one will not become aware of the exceptional aspects of Weber's approach, his thinking in terms of types, into paradigmatic debate on qualitative versus quantitative methodology towards integration and mixing of various social science methods, it is useful to describe intelligence the representation of research analysis that Weber proposed in his empirical research.
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Dover Corporation (NYSE: DOV) is a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 manufacturer of specialized industrial products and equipment within six segments. Dover Corporation is based in Downers Grove, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago. The company relocated its headquarters from New York in mid-2010.

With the data in a form that is now useful, the researcher can begin the process of analyzing the data to determine what has been learned. The method used to analyze data depends on the approach used to collect the information (secondary research, primary quantitative research or primary qualitative research). For primary research the selection of method of analysis also depends on the type of research instrument used to collect the information.

Essentially there are two types of methods of analysis – descriptive and inferential.

Descriptive Data Analysis

Not to be confused with descriptive research, descriptive analysis, as the name implies, is used to describe the results obtained. In most cases the results are merely used to provide a summary of what has been gathered (e.g., how many liked or dislike a product) without making a statement of whether the results hold up to statistical evaluation. For quantitative data collection the most common methods used for this basic level of analysis are visual representations, such as charts and tables, and measures of central tendency including averages (i.e., mean value). For qualitative data collection, where analysis may consist of the researcher’s own interpretation of what was learned, the information may be coded or summarized into grouping categories.

Inferential Data Analysis

While descriptive data analysis can present a picture of the results, to really be useful the results of research should allow the researcher to accomplish other goals such as:

Using information obtained from a small group (i.e., sample of customers) to make judgments about a larger group (i.e., all customers)
Comparing groups to see if there is a difference in how they respond to an issue
Forecasting what may happen based on collected information
To move beyond simply describing results requires the use of inferential data analysis where advanced statistical techniques are used to make judgments (i.e., inferences) about some issue (e.g., is one type of customer different from another type of customer). Using inferential data analysis requires a well-structured research plan that follows the scientific method. Also, most (but not all) inferential data analysis techniques require the use of quantitative data collection.

As an example of the use of inferential data analysis, a marketer may wish to know if North American, European and Asian customers differ in how they rate certain issues. The marketer uses a survey that includes a number of questions asking customers from all three regions to rate issues on a scale of 1 to 5. If a survey is constructed properly the marketer can compare each group using statistical software that tests whether differences exists. This analysis offers much more insight than simply showing how many customers from each region responded to each question.

- Ideal types could be either theoretical or descriptive as these types would remain closer to directly given evidence such as in psychology domain, DSM-III, for example, explicitly seeks to keep its criteria close to direct evidence

- Theoretical types would move away from direct evidence by referring to hypothetical processes or entities at work behind the direct givens. In postulating that a phenomenon, such as an obsessive symptom, arises as a defense against anxiety, DSM-II provided theoretical types

- Ideal types could remain qualitative conceptions of disorders and or some of attributes designated in ideal types could be characterized in quantitative terms since, features expressed in ideal types appear in different patients in varying degrees, these gradations could be quantified

Social Research Process and Approach

Thus, one better consideration into the understanding of ideal type is asserted in social research framework as being linked to the role of analytic frames as adopted for social science, as there is methods triangulation of case study, surveys, interviews and questionnaires that are being in fixed pattern from within flexible change during research flow. The ideal frames may be elaborated at the outset of better planned research project and remain active throughout the study, often necessary, for example, in studies that seek to test theories. In essence, certain idealization does adhere for the implementation of research design and or hypothesis to be tested. If images constructed from the evidence are inconsistent with the hypothesis, then the hypothesis is rejected. Fixed frames are also common in research that seeks to make predictions based on current trends and in studies that seek to document research success and application. There has been process of analytic frame as the latter readily translates to survey format, for example, several of the potential voters are being queried about appropriate demographic characteristics into various voting behavior (Page and Shapiro, 199I), simple translation from the analytic frame to survey data permits a direct test of the idea that first inspired the frame, as voters make ample rational choices.

The Challenge of Social Research

True that, research ideas and evidence is everywhere and people are busy constructing representations of social life, the ways of constructing representations require different kinds of regimen, and for social research technique is strict, being reinforced by primary mode of research studies into ideal type of social research, as there demand clear specification of ideas that guide research methodology as well as the systematic examination of evidence utilized in building solid structure of knowledge representations. Indeed, one challenge of social research is to be able to construct powerful and instructive representation of social life that contributes to conversations of social theories, embracing in-depth evidence about ideal types in systematic manner through building in dialogue of ideas of social science approaches. The researcher may link pieces of evidence together to make reasoned concepts in valid assimilation then, the analytic frame provide effective context for creating and understanding image, establishing conceptual boundaries around evidence based study linking to the Weber’s ideal type and how it is deemed useful for research. Therefore, it is often forgotten that Weber's concept of ideal type are developed in research, often assumed that Weber means ideal type whenever Weber used the term type. Friedeburg mentioned that Weber uses different kinds of ideal types that an ideal type may exist in reality sometimes but not all the time, but this is not a sufficient justification to call the empirical types discussed above ideal types. Thus, it is misleading to identify Weber's sociological methodology with his method of the ideal types. In doing so, one will not become aware of the exceptional aspects of Weber's approach, his thinking in terms of types, into paradigmatic debate on qualitative versus quantitative methodology towards integration and mixing of various social science methods, it is useful to describe intelligence the representation of research analysis that Weber proposed in his empirical research.

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