Are Internships Key to Finding Employment


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Are Internships Key to Finding Employment??

Forty-two percent of MBA and specialized master's graduates from the GMAC Global Management Education Graduate Survey said they participated in an internship while in school. Further, this year's graduates who did an internship were 26 percent more likely to have a job offer upon graduation than their classmates without an internship.

"The value of an internship can't be underestimated -- for both the employer and the employee," said Michelle Sparkman-Renz, director of research communications at GMAC. "Whether or not a candidate has work experience, internships are effective in helping students realize their career ambitions. And in a hyper-competitive job market, an internship is a great way for a student to shine and get their resume put on the top of the pile when applying for a full-time job at the company."

what have you to say over this?


Par 100 posts (V.I.P)
Internship is just the time for a student to apply his/her knowledge in real life. They teach you more than what projects, researches and exams could teach.

Allows a student to evolve into a professional. :)
Graduating college students with internships on the resume have a far greater opportunity at getting a full-time placement after graduation. Students are going to do internships and it is currently not uncommon for modern graduates to consider an internship with expectations of transforming it into a long term position in company.