Comedy(Funny) movies vs Horror movies


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Which type of cinema do u prefer comedy or Scary????
:SugarwareZ-147: :fishy:


Par 100 posts (V.I.P)
I like comedy movies coz it keeps u cool & calm and make u laugh and laughing is good for health....
Horror movies are a lot better then comedies. I like scary movies because they give you an adrenaline rush and it's like riding on a roller coaster and I love the thrill I get from watching a scary movie. I like getting scared and horror movies are fun to watch by yourself or with other people. I try and relate to the characters in horror movies and think what I would do if I was in their situation. It's just fun getting scared and horror movies get your mind off things for awhile and it's great entertainment.
I like to watch the comedy movies. It keeps you away atleast for sometime from your whole day stress and tensions. You can feel somewhat better while watching comedy movies.