Amazing Facts About Elephants


New member
Elephants are wonderful animals! They are the largest mammals in the world that live on land. There are two kinds of elephants; African and Asian. Asian elephants have smaller ears and shorter tusks than African elephants.

The African elephant is bigger and taller than the Asian elephant. The largest living mammal on earth is none other than the elephant. With the heaviest mammal weighing around 12000 kgs you can imagine how huge this living giant can be. Its one leg
could probably crumble an entire tree or a couple of them.

The gestation period of this mammal is 22 months, the maximum of any mammal in the animal kingdom. And baby calf weighs around 120 kgs. Heavy baby! But as heavy as they may seem they are vulnerable to being hunted by lions who gulp in baby elephants and the weaklings in the herd. As otherwise no animal dare come into close proximity of the elephant, anyway who wants to have their bones crushed.

Other than animals, humans are more of a threat to this breed. As they are poached and hunted for their tusks or a wide scale. Over a lakh of elephants were killed earlier on an annual average. It is only recently in India that laws against poaching have gotten stringent making it difficult to poach them, not impossible. The practice continues although much diminished in Africa. The tusks of the elephant are of pure ivory that is a great material for crafting. To the adult mammal it keeps growing on an average of 7 inches in a year. Summing to sometimes 10 feet in an African elephant and weighing around 90 kgs. Well now we know why they are so healthy, all to carry their own weight around.

The tusks are used to dig water, carry logs of wood for shelter or to clear the trees as these guys make their way through the jungle. An interesting fact about the tusk is like humans who are right and left handed, elephants are right and left tusked. The dominant tusk is a little shorter and rounded as against the other tusk. So you have a right tusked elephant and left tusked elephant. There are many nuances of the elephant that when put light upon bring awe and awareness to the common man.


New member
Nice post Sai...i would also like to say something on this

The Indian Elephant is described as Elephas maximus a amamal from south-central Asia.

Life Span - Indian Elephants can live for up to 70 years
Elephants normally walk about 4 mph
Elephants are able to swim for long distances
Elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating
They live in tight social units led by an older matriarch
Males leave the herd between the ages of 12 and 15
Their tusks are of ivory and are actually enormously enlarged incisors
The Indian Elephant's eyes are small and its eyesight is poor
Elephants have the largest brains in the animal kingdom


poornima lagadapati

Active member
Fact No. 1

The word “elephant” comes from the Greek word “elephas” which means “ivory”.

Fact No. 2

The gestation period of elephants is 22 months. Baby elephants weigh around 100kg on average. The babies can stand up shortly after being born.

Fact No. 3

The average lifespan of an elephant is from 50 to 70 years. Male African elephants can reach 3m tall and weigh between 4,000 -7,500kg. Asian elephants are slightly smaller, reaching 2.7m tall and weighing 3,000– 6,000kg.

Fact No. 4

Elephants spend between 12 to 15 hours eating grass, plants and fruit every single day! They use their long trunks to smell their food and lift it up into their mouth. An adult needs to eat up to 150kg of food a day – that’s 50 tonnes a year!

poornima lagadapati

Active member
Fact No. 5

Elephants are highly social animals with incredible memories. It’s really true that elephants never forget. Elephants are known to display complex behaviour indicating that they feel empathy for others, and are capable of demonstrating other emotions including grief.

Fact No. 6

Elephants can get sunburned! These giants bathe in mud to help protect their skin from the sun. They also do that to keep bugs off.


poornima lagadapati

Active member
Fact No. 7

Elephant tusks have a variety of uses: as a tool to dig for food or water and to strip bark from trees; as a weapon in battles with rivals; and as a courtship aid – the larger his tusks, the more attractive a male elephant may appear to a female.

Fact No. 8

Female elephants live in groups, all related and led by a matriarch, usually the oldest in the group. She’ll decide where and when they move and rest, day to day and season to season. Males leave the family unit between the ages of 12-15 and may lead solitary lives or live temporarily with other males.

poornima lagadapati

Active member
Fact No. 9

The trunk of an elephant is flexible extension of his upper lip and nose. The trunk is an elephant's most versatile tool, used for breathing, smelling, touching, grasping, and producing sound. It's probably the most amazing body part in the animal kingdom!

Fact No. 10

Sadly, elephants are in trouble. Many are killed by humans for their ivory tusks because they’ve come into conflict with communities or simply for sport. Asian elephants also face threats from tourist attractions where people pay to ride on their backs or paint pictures on them.