2 New Niche Areas for Ediscovery Implementation

Ediscovery benefits have penetrated into many areas that organizations have started viewing e-discovery as a major revenue pooling measure. Governmental rules have been implemented with regard to electronically stored information and one good example is the change in Louisianan civic rules that have been amended to include the use of discovery systems. Many states have also amended rules to include them in their data storage models.

Another area where e-discovery has made a significant mark is legal discovery. Last year a large number of law suits were filed, regarding ediscovery systems. The best example that can be cited here is the Mancia v. Mayflower Textile Services Co., 2008 WL 4595275 (D. Md. Oct. 15, 2008). The verdict proposed the ‘counsel to cooperate in e-discovery and that failure to do so can be construed as a violation of the duty of “reasonable inquiry” prior to certifying demands or responses.’ This goes to prove that the key operating benefit of this system i.e. low operating costs has been aptly conceived and imbibed by them.
